Home  /   Mobile Travel Accessories   /   BLU Aria, Zoey, Neo, Global, LG A270, A275, GT400 International Cell Phone AC Wall Charger


BLU Aria, Zoey, Neo, Global, LG A270, A275, GT400 International Cell Phone AC Wall Charger


~22.81 AUD
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  • Compatible with BLU Zoey I, BLU Zoey II
  • Compatible with BLU Aria
  • Compatible with BLU  BLU Neo
  • Compatible with OneSim Global Phone
  • Compatible with OneSim Global DMW7 Phone
  • Compatible with LG A270, A275
  • Compatible with LG GT400 - Viewty Smile
  • Compatible with Samsung Galaxy Ace and Ace Duos
  • Overview
  • Tech Specs
  • In The Box
  • Input - from 110 to 230 Volts - Works everywhere

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